How to Run Backup "Silently"

Starting from version, Mail Server ships with a console application ConsoleBackup.exe, which can be found in the Program folder, which, by default, is C:\Program Files\ArGo Software Design\ArGoSoft Mail Server .NET.


ConsoleBackup.exe <BackupPath>

Where <BackupPath> is the folder where you would like to create backup.

Backup will be created with date/time-based file name, as BackupPath, if it does not exist, will be created.

If either of Mail or Web services are running, the application attempts to stop the running services, makes backup, and starts services it stopped.

You may will need to run it as an Administrator, so it has rights to stop and start Windows services.

The application must not be copied to another folder, because it depends on other assemblies, located in Programs folder.

The application will work only when Mail Server database engine is SQLite. It does not work with the SQL engine.

March 10 2021