How to Use Calendar

Calendar is stored in the User folder root, in iCalendar format (rfc 5545).

Note, that if Web Service is disabled, calendar cannot be served.

First, obtain the calendar URL, either from the Mail Server UI, or Web Interface.

In Mail Server UI:

The address part of URL may need adjustments, based on the actual address of the web interface of your server.

Web Interface:

In Thunderbird

In Thunderbird, you can synchronize the calendar fully. All events are getting posted to the server, and retrieved as needed.

Google Calendar

Unfortunately, Google treats the calendar as read-only. It does retrieve updates, made in Thunderbird, but does not allow to add, delete, or edit entries.


Outlook allows to add entries to the calendar, but, unfortunately, does not post them back. They just appear locally. Changes made through Thunderbird, do appear syncrhonized.

March 10 2021