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We occassionally send newsletters, hints or tips to registered users, who have been active for the last 3 years.

Before we are providing copies of these messages.

August 08 2021

Server certificate has two functions: to encrypt data, and confirm, that your server is "whoever it says it is".

For the data encryption, it is enough to have a Self-signed Certificate but to prove server identity, you need to obtain a certificate from a Certificate Authority.

Self-signed certificates will work, but they will be not enough for servers, communicating with your server. They will need to be sure, that your server is who it claims to be, and your server claims to be whatever is the value of the Local Host field at Settings - Options - General.. It should be a fully qualified domain name, something like

The same name,, should be given to users as SMTP, IMAP (or POP3) server address and the same name should be listed as an MX record for domains your server serves.

We will need to obtain a certificate associated with the identity of your server, And, we should understand, that identity of our server has nothing to do with the domains it serves, domains, listed on the Domains & Users tab on your Mail Server UI.

July 06 2021

I would like to draw your attention to a very useful feature of the ArGoSoft Mail Server, which is often overlooked.

It can be accessed through Tools - Recommendations from the mail server user interface.

The server performs live checking of domains hosted on your server and gives you rrecommendations, how to improve the standing, "prestige" of your domains.

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