Following describes the format of xfer files, which are located in the roots of user folders, and contain the information about mail transfer feature for users Files are a sequence of following records: string64=string[64]; TXFerRec = packed record Version: Integer; SMTPServer: string64; SMTPAuthentication: boolean; SMTPUserName: string64; SMTPPassword: string64; SMTPMailFrom: string64; SMTPRcptTo: string64; SMTPKeepCopies: boolean; POPServer: string64; POPUserName: string64; POPPassword: string64; POPKeepCopies: boolean; Reserved: array[0..127] of Char; end; Integer takes 4 bytes. Version is currently not used,and is 0. Boolean takes 1 byte, and is 1 for true, 0 for false. string[n] takes n+1 bytes. 0th byte of a record is an actual length of string. For example, string[6], which contains the string "test" (without quotes) will be represented as 04 74 65 73 74 00 00 Last two 00 00 can be any random value.